Kunnasi mappakaammu ta Ibanag (Introducing yourself in Ibanag)


Pegafuanan tam ta pappakaammu. Let's start with the introduction.

Ngagan: (Name) 
Dagun: (Age)
Lugar: (Location/address)

Nu gustum ipakaammu nu sini ka, yaw y kayam mu. If you want to introduce yourself, this is what you should say:

So si Ivy, bainte dos anyos, taga-Aparri.

Tahenu mala y kagitta na nga imformasyon ta tanakwan nga tolay, yaw y iyyavvu mu. To get the same information from other people, these are the questions to ask: 

Anni y ngagan mu? (What is you name?)

Anni y dagun mu? / Piga ragun ka na? 
(What is your age? / How old are you?)

Taga-sitaw ka? 
(From where are you?)

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