I Will Go Places

Lately, due to massive viewing of British films, I developed this obsession on the idea of going to London. This has been my newest goal, to at leat go to any part of Europe one day.

Last night, before falling asleep, I remembered about my small world map from college. I'm not sure if I kept it with all my paper stuff in my keepsafe box my. To give you a background, that map used to be posted on my bedroom wall and whenever I'm bored, I would get a pen and point it randomly on the map, sometimes I even close my eyes, and the place where the pen points would be included in my list of places I would visit when I'm rich. Hehe. It's childish but those small things inspired me to set my goals. Buti na lang libre mangarap.

I thought of looking through my things for the map the next day or just buy myself a globe. I really need such things to motivate myself, again, because it seemed that I already lost track of all my biggest dreams. There is a huge map on the wall right outside my room which is my saving grace whenever I get bobo with places. But I want a smaller version for easier access. Ha!

A while ago, I was setting-up my laptop at the computer table outside my room, at one moment I looked up and tadan!

There is is this globe perfectly seated at the top of the printer. I could imagine my face lighting up upon seeing it. I immediately grabbed it and began  turning it round and round. Note to self: Please pick yourself up and dream big again. :D

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