Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)

I just finished watching this and I can't help but ask, why does it have to last for only 18 episodes! Freaks and Geeks is definitely one of the best TV series ever produced.

Freaks and Geeks is a series on the coming-of-age of teenagers belonging to different crowds in high school. It is set in 1980 America but I'm pretty sure pubescents today from any part of the world can identify with the characters. It's been 6 years since I graduated from high school but watching the series made me look back into the realities of that period. High school definitely consists the difficult years every teenager have to deal with. And this is what the series is all about. Friendship. Belongingness. New crowd. Being cool. Experimenting. Getting into trouble. Parents. Family issues. Relationships. Etc.

What is so good about Freaks and Geeks can be summed up to two things: each episode comes with a genius plot and the cast are so so good it's like they're not acting at all.

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