All Over Hanson All Over Again

The other day, Anj told me about Katy Perry's new music video where plenty of celebrities appeared, the likes of Darren CrissDebbie GibsonRebecca Black, etc. but I actually got excited when I learned that Hanson was also there. :D

It's a nice music video and indeed Hanson was there, totally growed up Hanson.

Few weeks back, I was obsessing on 90s music, downloaded plenty of 'good' songs, including of course, old and new stuff from Hanson. I am sort of rediscovering their music.

I'm not a huge Hanson fan but like most of 90s kids, I liked loved them. I think I was a 4th grader when I fell in love with the middle Hanson brother, Taylor. I find the two younger brothers cute, actually. Having long blonde hair, they pretty much looked like girls but I didn't give a damn back then. Maybe I didn't even pay attention to the fact that Taylor really looked liked a girl. It's only now that I'm kinda bothered realizing that even then, I was already into guys that look like girls.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon, some radio station played Penny & Me, my favorite Hanson track, leaving me with a LSS until the evening. I was already in bed and counting on Hanson to put me to sleep when I realized I have a copy of their autobiography- an old slim book I once saw being read by Mother. I took the book and started reading. I've already read a few pages but I decided to read from the beginning again. Anyway, it's a very slim book written in huge font size.

It's not mine, the first page had the name of its real owner, my sorority sister Jeaneil. It's either the book was included in our APO donations where I took some children's books and gave it away to my neighbors and relatives instead, hehe, or it was found by mother in my room when I was sharing an apartment with Jeaneil. Yes, mother would read anything to kill time. In other words, it was stolen.

I brought the Hanson autobio to work and a officemate 'accidentally' saw it while I was taking it out from my bag. Of course, he laughed. And then while we were talking about Miley Cyrus and me being a fan, he strikes again with, manood tayo ng concert, ng Hanson. I just said, "If I know, fan ka rin nila. Mag-iwan kaya ako ng picture nila dito sa station ko. Para may nakikita ka araw-araw. :p

Behold my ugleh face and the pretty faces of the young Hanson brothers.

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