The Real Iconic Cigarette Photo

Last week, I heard the news that some organizations supporting ‘smoke-free Philippines’ are criticizing the October 2011 issue of Yes! Magazine with Nora Aunor in its cover, holding a lit cigar oh her right hand, set in black and white.

When I first saw the magazine few days back, I thought the concept was amazing. It’s iconic. I think it has the potential of being one of the most remembered photos of the superstar.

One boring afternoon while I was killing time social networking, Darla Sauler tweeted a photo of Anne Curtis for Rogue Magazine’s October 2011 issue in a very similar concept.

Of course, my very creative brain instantly thought of something to amuse itself. Moments later, I posted it on my Tumblr. I posted the screencap on Facebook and Twitter as well and it receive lots of lulzzzz from my online contacts. And then Karen commented I should’ve opted for the sabungera photo instead. So that's what I did.

I know I always strut my drunken face in the internetz and in person, but I rarely get photographed smoking. I’ve very few photos of me smoking so the only ones that came to my mind when the idea popped were the ones shot in Sta. Escolastica from Sen‘s camera.

This is an actual solo yosi break just at the front doorstep of our apartment. Sen saw me and asked if she could take photos. Although, I’m not really sure if it was Sen or Karen who took all the photos. It could be Sen because she likes taking photos in sepia and black and white settings but I remember Karen and our other housemates were also there throwing “helpful” comments.

The iconic sabungera pic was shot by Lian, one weekend we were bored, still in Sta. Escolastica but this time at the backyard.

I really enjoyed doing concept shots back then. I  have worse photos than these, some I’m thankful I didn’t get to save copies. Well, what can I say, I was young and bored. Troll away! :D


I rarely smoke in public. Back in college, I had public image issues. LOL. I only began smoking infront of my friends when I was already a senior in college. Most of my friends were surprised whenever they see me smoking and they initially thought it’s something I’ve picked from studying in UP. I thought its flattering because 1. I may still possess the good girl image 2.IRL, my lips have darkened because I learned smoking in high school. As a matter of fact, some people never fail to notice it and the first thing that always comes to their mind is that I smoke.

Anyway, I was never a chain smoker. Truth is, I hated the smell of cigs in my mouth in the morning when I wake up. I usually just smoke when drinking. I tend to crave for yosi when faced with alcohol and I don’t really feel like eating pulutan. I’ve stopped the occasional smoking few backs back but the effort was trashed the last time I went to Baguio where I smoked every chance I got.

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