Intramuros Photowalk

Intramuros is probably a popular subject for people living in Metro Manila who are studying photography because there are a lot of interesting subjects in there. Last weekend, my friend Kat I went there to test shot our cameras.

I even spotted an officemate and his friend, who are also going around taking photos, but with their analog cameras. Artsy!

While walking, we heard the sound of boards slamming on the ground. Skaters! When we found where the sound is coming from, we're really happy. Not only did we find people we can shoot, but the place provides a great backdrop as well. The walls of the vacant area where a bunch of young boys and girls are skating are walls full of graffitti.

Pardon my photos. As I said, we're still studying how to properly use our cameras. Almost all my shots were backs of the kids because I was too lazy to change places. I just stayed at one corner to take photos. On the other hand, Inah went closer and according to her, she overheard one of the skaters saying, “May nagpi-picture kasi” meaning they are anxious because we’re taking photos. Sorry. We just wanted to capture subjects in action, and you were perfect.

There were several girls in the group but I wasn’t able to get a single photo of them in action because mainly it was the boys that were playing. But, I do have a photo session with Kat, who became an instant model. 

This is Kat. She’s always mentioned in this blog because she’s my drinking/filmfest/gigs buddy. We’ve been friends since high school, and now that we're both based in Manila, we often hang out because we share the same interests.

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