What Holiday Season Is

The holiday season is here once again. Days of vacation, loads of food on every table, lots of presents, jam packed reunions and of course, nicer people.

The holiday season is always looked forward to, especially by children. Days of being free from your slightly-larger-than-a-shoebox office space or your history essays and literature essays can be spent enjoying with your family.

However, holidays can also be a time of dreading being pulled in two directions by in-laws and even three or four directions by step-families and close relatives.

Christmas season is the time to enjoy lots of thoughtfully prepared meals. It is the time when one can eat too many roasted chicken and way too many salads and drink too many wine. Gluttony is somehow set aside during this time of the year.

Holiday is also a time to experience the pleasure of giving and receiving gifts. However, gift-giving can cause stress, especially if you have more godsons, god-daughters, nephews, nieces and friends. After the holidays, you may end up being bankrupt.

Another good thing about holidays is that you could go shopping all the way. Spend your thirteenth month pay and Christmas bonus and shop all you want. It can be a lot of fun but the crowd can get overwhelming.

Christmas rush that is. People just love rush shopping. They flock into the malls and department stores and anywhere where there are good and cheap stuff. Your usual 15-minute ride to the nearest mall may become a 3-hour exhausting drive.

Christmas is not really about all the good stuff, nice presents and good food. More important than anything, Christmas should be the time to feel gratitude for the blessings

It is important to remind yourself: to take a breath, to relax, to feel your blessings and to enjoy what is good about the season.

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