Hair Story

I just spent a couple of hours reading blogs on hair dyeing and I'm dying because I wanted to color my hair blue but don't have the money to go to salon or purchase imported hair dyes which are the only ways because local stores don't sell those colors. I did the same before logging off from work today.

I really got this huge problem about getting rid of boredom in the safest manner. By safe I mean not doing anything stupid.

Few years back, I'd kill just to have a jet black hair. Most Cagayanos don't really have a black hair because we're always exposed to extreme heat from the sun. In high school, just like almost every female in my class, I used to dye my hair with cheap blackening shampoo because I could't afford the decent hair dyes.

Living in Baguio, I managed to keep my hair virgin, despite some attempts during my junior and senior years. I realized my hair has been the same all my life. I never grew my hair past the shoulder. I feel tougher and smarter with a short hair, that's why.

So there was a time during these teenage experimental years when I wanted to dye my hair with a fun color. But something made it not happen, "Sige ka, pag ginawa mo yan idi-disown ka namin," my friends would tell me when I told them about it. In UPB, only those people that do cosplay wear bright hair colors and I shouldn't be like them, because I'm supposed to look normal ordinary not "funny." To fight boredom, I got contented with cutting my hair. I do it once or twice a month. Sometimes, I do it myself, but I didn't always want to look stupid so I go to a pro, too. Also, when I'm extremely bored/depressed/happy I get piercing. When I move out of Baguio, I had 7 piercings all in all. Most of which were done by a friend, and inside the campus.

Manila changed me in so many ways. Mostly good, some, uh, still-not-as-bad-as-the-decisions-I-used-to-make (I'd like to think of it this way). No really, my ways of fighting off boredom have become more outrageous as soon as I became an adult and started earning my own money. I've let go of my addiction with piercing, started growing my hair longer. I started dyeing my hair, too. At first, with some no-so-obvious shades of brown. Then I wanted more vibrant, so I went with red. I was happy with that. It made me feel not ordinary. I discovered bleaching. Bleached the back part of my hair and colored it red. After few months, I got bored. Shaved that part. After two weeks, I regret my decision. The hair grows so fast and I just liked how it looked on its first week.

Then I dyed my hair, all of it, back to black, and grew it in the longest it had been, just few inches from my butt...just because all those time, I was too lazy to go to the salon. I could only spare 30 minutes or so, of pedicure, and no more. I never grew my hair past shoulder because I despise the concept that men like for women to have long hair, the longer the better. Sometimes, there's a little feminist speaking out inside of me. I always see long hair as too much hassle, but having one (due to laziness) is not bad at all. I never felt so feminine in my life.

I got bored with the long, not-so-black hair (I had it rebonded and the one that did it had my hair cellophaned with a colored one, not clear as I asked) and wanted to bleach it Rogue style (Anna Paquin in X-Men) because that's what I always wanted as a kid. Thought it was cool.

I had to talk myself out of it, and succeeded. But I started to get irritated with the plain long hair because it spreads all over the place, when I sleep, when I wash it, when I comb it, when I commute to work and I needed more trips to the supermarket (which I don't enjoy) because conditioner runs off easily. I have the worst kind of hair it needs proper care if you want it to look at least decent. My mother herself seem to not want my hair grow too long as it's thick and rough, alambre as she calls it. She always had it cut when I go home because it makes me look old, too, in her opinion.

One weekend I finally dragged myself out of the house and had it trimmed, just an inch to fixed the damaged ends, but the cut was ugly. After few days, I went to another salon and had it cut a couple of inches. But when it's done, I had a short hair, shorter than what I wanted. Doesn't it always happen.

But anyway, I feel smarter and tougher again. But felt uglier, too. I feel the need to dye my hair. I wanted blue but doesn't have money. And now I'm facing the biggest problem of the last of the 2012.

PS Dyeing had become my amusement since when I feel extreme emotions, I want to get inked and I think it's not good for me, physically, aesthetically and financially. So I had to resort to cheaper ways to amuse myself. 

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