Three Simple Ways to Help Save the Environment

The environment has its way of getting back at us, humans. Natural disasters occurring in various places all over the world is enough to remind us of the duties we tend to neglect as stewards of the environment.

Attaining formal education is not a requirement to contribute in saving the environment. Here are three of the simple ways we can observe that will surely make a difference:

1. Keep an eye on your kitchen habits

The habit of using foil or plastic wraps when wrapping food needs to be changed. Plastic bags and wrappers are non-biodegradable. They cannot be broken down and over time, serve as threat to the environment. Using reusable containers is the right thing to do. Plastic containers are more durable than plastic bags. They do not just allow us to save money in the long run, but also save us from the troubles of cleaning spills. Talk about spilled soup and mess in the kitchen. Also, use reusable cloths when cleaning.

2. Use cloth diapers

Research says that diapers fill a significant percent in America's landfills and would take hundreds of years to fully decompose. Thus, it is better to make use of cloth diapers for your children. Untreated feces can be possible carriers of disease and may get into our groundwater if case gets worse. Patronizing plastic diapers poses a health risk which we can control if only we will cooperate. Use cloth diapers, to save the world for our children's sake.

3. Finalize your paperwork before printing

Here's what a student can do religiously --save on papers. It is always helpful to edit and finalize everything before printing documents. It saves us time and money. We must also refrain from using too much papers and instead, recycle by using the pages of papers we used for drafts.

We should keep a healthy environment for the future inhabitants of this planet. Start doing your part and hand in hand, we will save the world from total destruction.

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