8 Common Things People Want to Achieve for the New Year

It's 2010! A new year, a new decade and another chance to live and enjoy life. And with the New Year usually comes new goals and commitments to change habits or lifestyle, otherwise known as New Year's Resolutions.

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, reminiscing the memories we had with the outgoing year, the blessings received for the past year and more importantly, looking forward to the coming year. It is usually a time to reflect on the things we want to change for better.

Here 8 of the most popular New Year's resolutions that most people commit:

1. Spend More Quality Time with Family & Friends

Recent polls conducted by some organisations show that more people committed to spend more time for their loved ones this year. The goal includes plans to meet up with friends for coffee every once in a while or bond with the family in fun places.

2. Be More Organised

In line with the resolution to spend more time with loves ones, organising schedules and managing time wisely is another goal to surely keep the plans in their places.

3. Switch to Healthier Lifestyle

After the holidays when everyone seemed to have gained several pounds, a research paper proved that another most popular resolution is leading a healthier lifestyle and working out to get in good shape.

4. Pay More Attention to Academics and Focus on Career

Students and employees usually feel they haven't given their best for their studies or jobs the former year. As a result, these people commit to spend more time and be more serious in their studies and jobs otherwise, they will end up losing these.

5. Quit Smoking

As smoking seemed to have the largest possibility of causing cancer and as people are getting their way towards being more environmentally-caring, quitting smoking is another common resolution for the new year.

6. Quit Drinking

Along with smoking, another vice that is much wanted to be changed is drinking since leading a healthy lifestyle had been popular lately.

7. Get Out of Debt

Since money has always been a huge issue, people usually resolve to spend this year getting a good handle on their finances and getting rid of their debts.

8. Learn Something New

Most often, a goal to learn something new never leaves the new year's resolution list. This may refer to a new hobby, a new skill and even a new career.

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