The New and Healthy You

It's the new year! And what better way to start the year than adopting a healthy lifestyle. Many people put shedding off weight on top of their new year goals. It is a common concern among many what with all those pigging out during the holidays.

On the other hand, some people want to lose weight even if they don't have to. This is because the image of perfection is placed more on a person's physical appearance than one's health and mental state. With today's lifestyle encouraging (more of persuading) people to stay thin, the value of keeping one's self healthy – physically, mentally, and emotionally – is compromised.

Being inspired to stay slim and healthy is a good thing as compared to extremely overweight individuals who are more prone to ailments. However, going overboard by forcing oneself to be stick thin should not be encouraged. Fitness articles on health issues suggest that being healthy does not only pertain to his or her physical appearance as norm implied by the society.

Being healthy is not measured by the scale. This state can only be achieved through an overall bountiful lifestyle and a knowledge on proper balanced diet. Here are some tips you can use:

  • Veggies, because they are high on fiber.
  • Fruits are always the healthiest snack.
  • Salads without dressing.
  • Fruits/veggies juices. Talk about healthy drinks.
  • Chicken and fish as protein-source. Will avoid pork and meat.
  • Whole-wheat bread, small serving only.
  • Tofu. I am Googling ideas on tofu recipes.
  • Soya milk. I'm addicted to this.Fat-free cheese.

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