Dear 24 Year-old Me

Dear FutureMe,

You planned to write this email a month before but you enjoy procrastinating too much, eh. Anyway, I'm not gonna blab about that anymore. Instead, I just want to ask about you, which I should've done first, heh. How are you? How’s your family? I hope you’re all doing fine.

You turned 24 last month, that makes you very very much eligible to marry now. In 2011 you celebrated your birthday in Boracay, where were you this year on March 28? No matter where and how you celebrated your day, as long you enjoyed it, it’s okay. Nah, I would be happier if you wasted money and went someplace else to enjoy. :D

Do you have a lover already? If yes, congratulations! Finally, you fooled someone. Is he the surfer dude you always dreamed about or that artist in your real dreams or that DJ you wanted to have a kid with? :p
If you’re still single, you might want to consider going abroad, seriously. Yer not getting any younger dear. Perhaps your parents are now worried about you getting hitched.

Speaking of going abroad, have you processed your passport yet? It would be great to know if you've already been somewhere out of the country, may that be a swift expensive vacation or an attempt to reach your dreams of working abroad. You know you wanted to make it in Singapore before hitting Australia, London and New York. I dunno if you're still in grip with your dreams.

Hey, are you still an SEO? Well, you wanted the profession because it's a lazy job so I'm not surprised if you're still facing your computer right now. I hope you're now renting a place of your own, probably you're still working in Makati but it wouldn't be too much to imagine you working in Singapore or Hong Kong maybe.

Let’s talk about graduate school. Have you pursued a Master’s degree yet? If positive, wow, you made it, through the extreme laziness. :p If negative, don’t worry, New York’s waiting for you. :D
It would be good to know if you’ve been religiously updating your blog and reading books. Maybe you already have your won domain name now. 

If you are still poor as of this day, I'm not quite sure if you can still do something with it as they 2012 could be the end of the world.

Well, I no longer know what to say. I’m too lazy and I need to finish another blog plus I am really at work. Anyway, I might write you random thoughts again one of these days.

Love, Your 23-year-old awesome self :D

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