Say Your Name

My first name's IRISH. When I was a kid, an aunt used to call me Irish Spring,and for quite a while I thought I was really named after that brand of soap. I thought my parents must've gone insane for a while for naming me after a race and probably a soap.

A cousin once told me that the name doesn't fit me, my personality. He said, I could've exchanged names with my younger sister, Ivy. The name's got more impact, sounds stronger. I believed him. For me, Irish is just too girly, too soft.

Several times, my mother told about I got my name. It was actually the midwife that registered the  name. She's the one who suggested and decided that I am Irish. According to mom, my name should've been Karen Kristel, or something Yvette. When I first heard the story, I felt betrayed. I liked those first two names! And I always wanted to have two names!

New friends would always comment on how my name is maganda, and unique. A dictionary of names defined (the name) Irish as rainbow, and I thought that's wonderful. But really, I rarely appreciate my name and given a chance and one damn heavy reason, I'd change my first name.

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