Seventh High

I kept thinking that the last time I went to a club was back in 2011 in Fiamma and Elements, where we had our company's Christmas Party and celebrated Mara's birthday afterwards. Every now and then I go to a bar with friends, but we were only drinking. Oh, if O-bar counts, then that would be it. But I mostly drank and observed people when we were there sooo, it doesn't count, no?

Anyway, I got an invite for the Daft Punk RAM Party at Seventh High, Friday. I brought Mara as a plus one. It took me a day to decide whether to go or not because I wasn't sure if I could tolerate being around the people that are definitely not my crowd. I was never a clubrat, but I wanted to check out Seventh High and heck, it was a Daft Punk themed party and it was all for free, so that closed the case.

The party started early, and Mara and I arrived just few minutes before the DJs wrapped it up. We stayed after the Daft Punk party, but mostly spent the time in the comfort room, watching kids enjoy their teeange life. I couldn't help but think how ridiculous I must've looked like, too when I was younger.

In a different time, I would enjoy much. But now, I just feel like a 25 years old who rather prefers to eat in an exotic restaurant or have coffee and just talk without all the noise.

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