Day at the Museum

Finally, after gazillion years I was able to go and see the arts, culture and history housed in the National Museum.

I’ve been planning to visit the museum for the longest time. I live just a little more than a kilometer away, and I’m very well aware that admission is free on Sundays. (I know right, I’ve never even been to Paco Church and Paco Park for that matter. But I plan to see all these.) So what kept me from going all this time? It’s mostly because I’m always lazy (Sundays are for lazing around) and partly because I refuse to go alone. I’m not sure how long I can stand roaming around the museum (with all the whiteness of the walls and high ceilings). Sure, most of the time I prefer doing things alone, but on trips like this one, I feel the need for someone to converse with. After all, I’m not art-literate.

I successfully dragged along 3 friends –Karen, Lian and Michelle. I lured them in through ‘museum-hopping because it’s free admission.’ Karen needs to be there to explain things when they get complicated for us non-art educated ones. (To celebrate Museums and Galleries Month, entrance to the National Museum and all its branches across the country is free for the whole month of October.)

We planned to see all three–the National Art Gallery, Museum of the Filipino People and National Planetarium but because we only went in the afternoon, we managed to see only the first two. Despite the fact that many galleries are closed for maintenance, I still feel that we just whisked at most of the displays. If you really want to look thoroughly at all the displays (especially the artworks), you know studying, interpreting, appreciating and all, you might want to allot more time on your visit.

Gallery Girls
The old Session Hall of the Senate of the Philippines. I could totally imagine scenes from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird happening in here.
Mural on the evolution of Medicine in the Philippines
Discussing the painting. Looks legit. For all you know, we're making up stories/conversations based on this piece of art.
#nofilter #noacting #normal. DO NOT COPY.
Photobombed by Lapu-Lapu
This sign was everywhere and everytime I saw one, I wanted to exclaim," NO TOUCHING!" Arrested Development style.

Found this among other artifacts scattered in a supposedly 'under maintenance' area.
Mini-replica os San Diego, a galleon ship that sunk in Batangas in 1600. The amount of treasures retrieve from the wreck is is overwhelming.

The richness of Philippine mythology
Awesome stuff our ancestors built on accident.
"What a fancy kudkuran. Our ancestors really got so much time on their hands." "Wala pa kasing iPad nun."
Lifetime supply of asin and bagoong

(Photos from Karen, Michelle and moi using Lian’s camera)

I wanted to put in the funny captions on some of the artifacts/artworks–words and phrases blurted out while we’re looking at ‘em but I’m afraid it would be offensive (because we’re dealing with respected artists here) so I decided not to do it na lang. :p

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