Project 17 by Eliza Victoria

Project 17 is a futuristic mystery-sci-fi about how a girl, Lillian, who is merely looking for a babysitting job for the summer, got involved in the complicated life of brothers Paul and Caleb Dolores.

Lillian was hired to look after 28-year-old Caleb who is suffering from schizoaffective disorder. Lillian accepts the job for the pay and the perks, but soon starts to wonder about the brothers she is working for. How come she can't find any information online about the drugs Caleb is taking? And how come the national central database lists them as dead?

I bought this one because of its eye-catching cover – an orange and blue painting of a female robot. This genre is rare in Filipino literature so that was already an advantage for this novel. I really admire those who can do science fiction. It takes an elaborate imagination and knack for research to be able to write this kind of story.

I like how this novel is easy to read – the language is not complicated despite it being a sci-fi, and the plot is fast-paced. There's just few hit and misses, something from the plot that was not explained or backed-up. Or maybe I am the one who missed 'em. Nonetheless, it's a good read.

And oh, everytime the word Dancer is mentioned, I can't help but sing this in my head: :p

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