Thursday Thoughts

This morning, I had to drag my ass out of bed to get ready for work. LOL, who am I kidding, five days of the week, I had to drag myself out of bed to get to work. This morning was just extra malala. I also don't know why. It's probably all these quarter life crisis shit I've been seeing and re-sharing on Facebook. I think I actually sparked a small wave of crisis there. I'm sorry.

So anyway, on my way to work, a lady went up to me and asked for directions. It happens that she was going to the same building where my work is, so I told her that. And she was very appreciative. She keeps repeating how God is really good because the person she approached happens to be going to the same place she was looking for. Apparently, she got lost along the way. She was so nice as to offer me (a stranger) to contact her if ever I go to Palawan.

Well, that didn't made me feel better. It only made me realize how worse my attitude is, because here I am, sulking over the kind of life that I have, while there's people like her who's extra-thankful of small things. Why can't I be like that.

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