The Sandman: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman

Before this, the only Neil Gaiman I've read was Stardust, which I really, really, really love. I love it so much I can say it's my favorite fiction so far. It just captured what I really like.

I've been hearing about Sandman and how good it was but I didn't really give it a chance until my coworker loaned me Dream Country. It was sooooo good. I'd most probably look for the other volumes for my personal collection.

In Dream Country, my favorite is Calliope. I'd have a similar story (on the same topic) in mind which I can't start writing because I don't know how to begin, or maybe I have already forgotten my very minimal skill in creative writing. But I suddenly gave it a thought to pitch it to my artists friends. Maybe it would be easier for me to have it on comic version. I don't know. I'm just dreaming.

I also loved A Dream of Thousand Cats. Wherever Neil Gaiman is getting his extraordinary ideas, I wanna get there, too. The plot in every episode is just brilliant!

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