In which I ate half a head of garlic

I used to join school-based contests for fun and for the money. I specially like adventure races because I always dreamed of joining Amazing Race.

The photo above was from PSSN Jr.'s Amazing Race. Two of my fraternity brothers and I represented our college organization. I was so excited for this one, but what went wrong was the fact that we went drinking the night before that. All three of us weren't conditioned for the race, but props to my teammates, we still made it to 2nd place. No prize though. Just bragging rights.

In the photo, I was eating/forcing myself to eat cloves of garlic. In one of the challenges, we were tasked to choose between two categories namely "plant" and "animal." I thought, if we were to eat what's in the covered stuff, anything under the plant category would be much easier. BIG MISTAKE. Halfway through the head of garlic, my teammate and I were ready to quit. The organizers gave us another chance to just pick the other "animal" category and start from the beginning. You know what's inside the other container? A chicken egg that is. We had to eat it uncooked, but still, it was fuckin' chicken compared to that head of garlic. At that moment, I was still trying to win, so I was moving fast, when I cracked the eggshell, its content fell and competitive and dugyut me scooped the egg with my palms and wolfed it down. The organizers who were ready to provide me with another one, just stood there in awe. Judging me. How gross I was. But winning was what's all in my head!

That challenge gave our competitors the lead. That's why we became second. I was embittered because we didn't get to take home anything. Still, thinking about it now, I had so much fun.

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