French turned Korean

We were supposed to watch a French film at the ongoing French Film Festival, but we arrived late, and all the seats left were apart, and we thought it would be sad, so we decided to just go and eat.

My companions unanimously love Korean food so we ended up at Bulgogi Brothers at Greenbelt 5.

Here's everyone's favorite from all the food that we had:

Kimchi Stew
It's basically a kimchi with a thick spicy sauce, and it has Pat's and Kat's favorite, rice cake, which instantly became my favorite, too!

And the other favorite:

Pork Belly
There was an overuse of the word favorite right there. Obviously, we love Korean food and we enjoyed the food at Bulgogi Brothers.

We ordered food for sharing, but halfway through, we realized there was too much food. The table was filled with pots and plates of food and spices it made me feel I was in the set of 'Jewel in the Palace.' We thought we ordered just enough, but it turns out the restaurant serves a lot of side dishes.

Seafood Stew and Kimchi Stew
Happy kids

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