
Masingan y kustu nga kakastan na
Nu umumma
Nu kahallawan na bilak
Nu kahannawak

Mas makasta haga
nu egga kavvulun na
nga kakkansion na mammanu
nga kalulukak gaha

davvun nga azza ta tanga
na vukik anna dandanum
kunna langi y kaalawa na bebay na
mahawakka ta kaaru na vukik na

makasta nga kustu
ngem ngatta kada panawan na anna na
umay ira ta arrayu
magalek na tanakwan

inyawa na ngamin nira
ngem kunna kurang haga
kani da nga masingan
y kasta na nga awattu kagitta

Most Beautiful

One sees the full beauty of these lands
In the morning
When the sun starts to lends its light
to everything around

its beauty is even made better by the music
from the fowls starting to fly around
and the silent greetings from waking fellows
who are silently starting their day

A land that is locked in the perfect poetry
of the mountains and the seas
on one side is rich lush greens
while on the other, deep silent blue

these lands are once rich in resources
plants that are endemic
and humans too

who wouldn’t fall in love with its beauty

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