I Passed the Comprehensive Exam!

I always look at this big tree infront of Romulo Hall whenever I go to my college, well, because nadadaanan ko siya. There's just something in it that draws me in every time I pass by it. It has become my habit to take a photo of this giant during ~important events in my graduate school life--enrollment (ginu-good job ko ang sarili every time I decide to enroll), end of sem (ginu-good job ko ang sarili whenever I survive a semester). As I look at it and initially observe its current state--how lush its leaves have become since I last saw it, and in another season, how bare its branches and how dead-lik it looks. But still, it is alive and surviving. I say a little prayer/wish that I too may become like that tree, too. It survives no matter the weather. These two photos were taken during the time I submitted my application to take the comprehensive exam (1st photo) and on one of the days when I took the exam (2nd photo). It was not the hardest exam I ever took, however, I would probably be devastated if I did not pass it, despite what I usually say that it will.be just fine if I don't pass, I'll just take it as a sign that I should consider stopping my journey there. Perhaps this tree hears me after all. I passed the comprehensive exam, leaving me with no choice but to continue moving forward with the dreaded thesis. 😂😂 I DON'T EVEN HAVE A TOPIC IN MIND ALL I CAN THINK OF IS FOOD.

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