Crazy over Asian Food

It's that time again, when our friend from down under visits the Philippines and asks for a meet up before he flies back to Australia. When he asked who can look for a hotel to stay in, other batchmates were quick to point at me as if I had a lot of spare time or got no other things to do. Of course, I got spare time (perks of working from home), but that does not mean I wouldn't want to rather spend my spare time lazying around haha. With the help of Mara, actually she did all the work, we found an airbnb near Resorts World so it'll just be a short distance from the airport.

We did not plan anything else. What Mara and I had in mind was just to hang out at this unit and order take outs and that's it.

But Milton wanted something else for dinner. So we ended up at this smoke-filled place that offers unlimited Korean style barbecue. After more than an hour of waiting to get seated.

After that, drinking and catching 'til the morning. It was my first time to be hung over again after a while. I don't why even had to compete with Lenz and Henny.

We had Chinese for late lunch/recovery food at this Chinese restaurant in Manila. Their food is sooo good!

Can't translate its name but here it is. Located in Roxas Boulevard.

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